Put your money stress to an end once and for all and get on with the purpose and prosperity you are here for!

(Without compromising your soul or being someone you're not!)

  • Are you ready to step into the next level but every time you try, you are sabotaged by money issues?

  • Do you want to make a big difference but you're playing small because of your money struggles?

  • Are you ready to actually manifest the money you deserve?

  • Do you make great money (6 or 7 figures like some of my clients) but STILL don't feel totally free?

  • Do you keep wrestling between your spiritual ideals & material desires?(so you make little money to be "spiritual' or make a lot of money but feel trapped)

  • Would you like to heal your money wounds so you stop wasting time & money trying to find the "magic pill"? (which never works and you justBullet list find the old stuff rearing its head again)

Hello Brave Soul!

I'm Kendra and I'm going to get real honest, real fast.(I don't want to waste your time.)

If you are distracted, stressed, overwhelmed, or pre-occupied by money, you are a slave to it.

I know, it's a big claim.

But here's the deal. Everywhere I turn I see talented, skilled, conscious entrepreneurs and leaders like yourself stressing and suffering over money. You're either just getting by, making a lot of money but feeling trapped, or frustrated because you can't seem to break the money ceiling.

I'm sick of it.

I want more for you. And there IS more for you. A lot more!

The problem is that most people (yes, including you) are going about their money pain the WRONG WAY.
You think that if you just get more money, everything will be fine. It's not true.

Listen, you and I both know that you've been taught self-defeating money habits (if you hadn't, you wouldn't be here, right?). Don't worry, you're not the only one. In fact, I'd say we've got a big fat crisis on our hands.

The thing is, no one has ever taught you how to end — once and for all — the self-sabotaging money habits that keep you from growing your business and creating the kind of security and freedom you want.

When I started my business 16 + years ago, money was a constant struggle for me (I can recall the restless long nights).

I couldn't even pay my bills month to month without feeling terrified about where my next dollar would come from. Now, I am a multi 6-figure highly sought after coach with multiple streams of income living my dream life style. (WAHOOO!)

And now I want to share what I know with you. These are the strategies that I used to take a quantum leap from worrying about where the money would come from to pay the rent, to experiencing the joy and freedom of an endless stream of grace and good fortune flowing in

Read ALL THE WAY To The BottomFor Exciting Details

In order to make the money you deserve doing what you love, you need to get to the source of what your money woes are about. You can't just cover them up with some scheme or quick fix magic pill. You can't just keep investing in systems to build your business without having the inner system mastered.
This course will get beneath the surface and illuminate limited beliefs & patterns in a way that is surprisingly easy. You will transform your relationship with money, and move forward with a new understanding of the power you have with it so you can become a magnet to money.

This journey is a radical new approach.

You know this course is for you if you are ready to delve into the heart of the matter. You want rapid results that come from devotion to depth. You want immediate relief from doing what just plain works. (It's not as complicated as you think)

The word medicine is derived from the Latin ars medicinal, meaning the art of healing. To heal is to "restore to health or soundness, to "set right or repair".

The Medicine of Money will offer you the art of healing, in service to relieving your money pain and putting you in full alignment with the wealth that is your birthright.

You can learn more systems to build your business, get more worksheets to create budgets, purchase the latest software for money tracking.... all of which are sound strategies for up-leveling your money health.

BUT, if you don't get to the CAUSE of creation, you will just keep spinning your wheels.

Once you learn these brand new money secrets, you will feel a big dose of medicine -- a sweet salve that finally puts an end to your money pain. What I provide you with you can use the rest of your life.

"Since mentoring with her my life has changed 100%"

"If you have the inspiration, desire & intention to be a bad ass conscious business owner, Kendra will coach you in a way that will make you an empowered star.

Since mentoring with her my life has changed 100%. I found my tribe.
Kendra called me out quick on my scarcity thinking and the importance of energy, momentum and worthiness. In a short time I have moved crossed country, started my first launch and created a life that I could only dream.

Tracy Carter
Goddess Glow

"Kendra truly walks the walk. The way she embodies ease, confidence, wealth and abundance is how I also want to live my life and run my business.

Through her guidance, I experienced how it feels to create content that is authentic and powerful in an easy, flowing way, rather than it being forced and hard.

She holds nothing back in sharing her wisdom and business knowledge, and she genuinely cares about our success and growth."

Here's a Sampling of What I'll Cover in DETAIL during this groundbreaking course....

Seminar #1


The Surprising Healing Power Of Money

  • Why money can be the greatest healing force in your life (even though it may feel like the source of all your problems)

  • What your money struggles are trying to tell you (that if you "get" will actually help you make more of it!)

  • How your money struggles are a gift to your greatness

  • The one technique I use every day that has been vital to shifting from scarcity & lack into abundance & fortune (it's easy to use- you can do it, too!)

  • The sure-fire approach to transcending your money pain

Seminar #1


The Shadow Of Money

  • How the "dark side" of money is actually your ally (that means it's your friend & will help you!)

  • The secret key to unlocking your riches once and for all

  • How to END the fight with your secret shame around money (which blocks you from from letting money in)

  • How to authentically stand in your power and liberate your relationship with money so that you use it for the purpose it is intended

  • A simple process to illuminate HIDDEN money shadows (that once you understand will no longer sabotage your success)

  • How to get control of your biggest money leaks

Seminar #1


Your Money-Soul Lesson: The Hidden Purpose In Your Pain

  • The ONE thing that can immediately alleviate your money pain

  • What you need to believe about yourself so you stop accepting "getting by" and start charging the value that you and your offerings are worth

  • What you can lean into again and again so you banish your worries that you will never have enough money or resources make more with less work (you may be unconsciously sabotaging yourself)

  • How to END the scarcity syndrome & claim the abundance that is your true Divine birthright

  • How your money pain can actually align you with your purpose (and greater alignment with purpose=greater prosperity)

  • How to consistently create more meaning and fulfillment with money so that it feeds you at the soul level (that means more joy & contentment

Seminar #1


The Wealthy Money Mindset

  • The attitude you must have (no question about it) to achieve your dreams of success and happiness

  • How to start "feeling rich" immediately — regardless of how much money you have

  • The Mindset MUSTS you need to adopt in order to become more money attractive & wealth magnetic

  • Fail-proof strategies that take you from working hard to hardly working (when you get these, ease & flow are the dominant reality)

  • Easy spiritual money practices that make your relationship with money feel easy and abundant

  • The latest techniques in brain science that can help you accelerate your income faster

"Kendra is a inspiration, a pioneer and a powerful coach that can help you to transform your life and your business to a new high level."

"I feel very grateful very blessed to have the opportunity to work with Kendra. My money mindset has been totally transformed. I feel that life has opened a new door for me.

I left the corporate job behind and started to build my own Magical Life coaching business. I stepped out of many comfort zones and was able to see other beautiful possibilities before me.Kendra helped me to get clarity on my passion and my vision. She also helped me to see my fear my shadow, to gain more confidence to moving forward with my dream.

The support, guidance and insights Kendra provided are incredibly exceptional, powerful and resonated for my own personal growth. I never felt so confident, at ease and be comfortable in my life.

Kendra is a inspiration, a pioneer and a powerful coach that can help you to transform your life and your business to a new high level. "

Selena Li

Empower Your Magical Life

Aisha Rose

"1st $10K month, then $47K month and now over $144K in 6 months!!! "

Thanks to Kendra and team’s impeccable coaching, in less than 2 years I manifested a rockn’ Spirit-led 6-figure business aligned with my Divine Calling that joyfully lights me up while making a powerful impact on Earth. I went from barely earning enough money to pay rent to manifesting my 1st $10K month, then $47K month and now over $144K in 6 months!!! 

The depth and precision in which Kendra holds space for my growth has enabled huge soul initiations laying the necessary groundwork for my next-level mastery and leadership. I can’t tell you how many spiritual thresholds I’ve traversed within this sacred circle of women, which ALL led to practical results and business success! Plus, I'm creating non-stop; built my revolutionary signature system, an internationally acclaimed interview series, a cutting-edge online course, one-of-a-kind podcast, and high-level programs attracting high-paying clients I love serving every day.

It’s a true blessing Kendra and her phenomenal team are in my life. I wouldn’t have been able to get this far, in such a rooted & healthy way, without them!!!

I am eternally grateful!"

PLUS...These Additional BONUSES:


Call recordings are conveniently provided to you so you can download to your favorite listening device and add to your success library to enjoy for years to come.


This course is not about a new theory or the latest fad to study. It's about healing and transformation. That means that you and your money WILL BE DIFFERENT as a result of our journey together. To guarantee such radical results, you need to take action and implement. I am here to make the process easy for you, and will provide you with exercises to guide you through step-by-step. Not only that, you will receive simple guided meditations to help you elevate your money & wealth consciousness.


You will get your own private sign in to a Membership Site where the content will be housed. You can access the material - including Seminars, PDF's and Guided Meditations - at your own convenience in a user-friendly format.

During this powerful journey, you'll have many "a-ha" moments that will demystify why you've been stuck and struggling. You will get information on how you can specifically move forward manifesting more money, in an authentic and sustainable way.

And by the end of this course, you'll know exactly what simple steps you need to take to transform your relationship with money...You'll have actively removed *the* major stumbling block to your success!

"When I signed up to work with Kendra, I wanted to break through the 6-figure ceiling that had been so elusive to me my whole life. By the end of 2016, my gross income was close to $200K!"

"If you have been on the fence about working with Kendra -- she's a powerhouse and the processes and practices she teaches WORK. I have been to WGL live twice, done a year of 1:1 coaching and also done the Medicine of Money program she's offering and I KNOW that all of it has contributed to the success, ease and freedom I'm experiencing right now."

"Wow. All I can say is wow! Coaching with Kendra has been the best and most powerful work I have ever done. (And I've worked with lots of coaches!)"

"I first joined the Wealthy Goddess Platinum coaching program after witnessing Kendra work miracles during the three day retreat. I knew that my next step was to say yes to signing up to have Kendra as my mentor. But truthfully, it was a lot of money to pay each month! In our 'enrolling conversation' Kendra found some of my mindset blocks and gave me a strategy for how to bring in the clients to pay for coaching with her.

Here's the crazy part... with just one email, I brought in $23,000 of business from the idea and encouragement that Kendra gave me. Three days after I said yes to working with Kendra, I got the biggest speaking 'gig' of my career. It seemed that the Universe knew that I was now REALLY SERIOUS about playing a bigger game and so was responding to my taking action.

That was just the beginning. Kendra supported me through more launches, more marketing strategies, and all the strategic and tactical pieces necessary to run a six figure business (without struggling in the ways I used to).

But the best part in my opinion is who I have become while working with this amazingly powerful woman. I have shifted my business from one that is making good money... but running me, to one that is designed to allow me to have the lifestyle freedom and time to enjoy the things I value. I have tapped more deeply into the powerful woman and healer that I am, and the work I have done with clients has ramped up as well. As Kendra has worked with me to more fully own my value I, in turn, can take a bigger stand for my clients and I see their results improving too.

The first time around to sign up for the program was a challenge to say yes to because of the money. I had never paid a coach that much. I'm signing up for another six months and this time around it's a no-brainer! I'd pay whatever Kendra charges because the value I have received has been business and life altering and I'm forever grateful."

"Working with Kendra has completely elevated my business to a whole new level."

"The biggest difference for me has been the mindset shift I have been able to make which I have found to be the foundation to a truly successful 6 figure business!Kendra is masterful at seeing what is holding me back and highlighting my strengths so that I can be the coach and leader I am meant to be.

With the guidance of Kendra, I have consistently attracted new clients into my business. I also started my first online home study course called "Sweet Success: 4 Week Sugar Boot Camp", attracting women from all over the world!I have taken on new challenges that I never thought I would be ready for but thanks to Kendra's guidance and support, I have exceeded my professional goals quicker than I had planned for!"

What If I Don't CARE About Money?

There is NOTHING in your life that is not touched by money. Relationships, career, health.... dreams, lifestyle, peace of mind.

Frankly, if you DON'T care about money, you don't care about your own success and happiness.
If this is true, don't bother reading on. I ONLY work with those who boldly take a stand for themselves, who are willing to do what it takes to raise their standards of joy and wealth. (I'm thinking that's you, right?!)

Now, if what you mean is that you don't care about money because it's not your sole (or soul) focus, I understand.

I realized a few short years back that part of why I struggled with money is because I didn't think it had anything to do with my higher purpose. Candidly, it felt "below me" (just getting real with you). I simply wanted to pursue my spiritual quest and not be bothered with the mundane task of making money.
It didn't work.

So, yeah, you may not be motivated by money. I'm not.But if you are here, I do know you are motivated by a bigger purpose. Let that be your motive. And let money be a teacher than can guide you to it more fully.

I'm excited to be able to bring you this important course because it's empowering on so many levels. If you are ready to authentically step into your power, then this extraordinary course is for you.

"$84,000 From One Course Launch, Built Dream Team, Sharing My Purpose Fully!"

"I've worked with Kendra in her Feeling Good Immersion and Profitable Purpose programs and for the last 6 months have been one of her private VIP coaching clients. Through our partnership and as a result of Kendra's exquisite expertise in providing energetic support and practical strategies, I've created phenomenal results.
"My business is thriving with multiple 6 figures, I've built my dream team,I've successful launched 3 programs, the first time bringing in $17,000 and the 2nd over $54,000 and the 3rd $84,000."

"I have overcome deep seated fears of feeling like I am doing something wrong when I share my gifts and am completely out of the woo woo closet, proudly sharing my purpose and authentically shining my light brightly. I am positioned as a more visible and powerful leader in my industry and now ideal clients and opportunities come to me easily and abundantly. I am having the impact I am here to have and have superstar clients that I love to work with from all over the world. My Egypt tours and programs sell out and have waiting lists."

"My business income has tripled since this time last year, and I'm on track for generating my ideal money goals. I'm more at peace than I've ever been living my freedom based lifestyle (just spent a month in France!), and am living in the stream of well being. I am in alignment with my profound gifts and talents and am sharing my purpose fully."

Danielle Rama Hoffman

Robyn McKay, PhD

"'Purpose & Business Has Taken Off. Two 5-Figure Launches"

"Kendra has been instrumental in the upleveling of my as integral part of my success team. As my trusted and cherished advisor, she is an integral part of my success team.With her support, my purpose business has taken off to new heights with media appearances and two 5 figure launches.Kendra is a healer's healer, and a teacher's teacher: passionate, insightful and spiritually intelligent. She has a revolutionary approach to wealth that has changed the lives of many women entrepreneurs, including my own."

 "YES, I'm ready to commit to healing my money pain + being more FREE withThe Medicine of Money led by Kendra!"

When I enroll in this special one-of-a-kind course, I will receive:

 4 Seminar Recordings so that I can listen to them at my convenience and keep in my success library for years to come.


 Exercises & Guided Meditations to move beyond theory & into real results.

 ACCESS to Membership Site where all the awesome content is housed!



"My Business Went Over The 6-Figure Mark"

"While it has been a deep desire to live an awake, fulfilled, on purpose life, I really had no clue to what that really meant. On the surface, it might have appeared I understood that level of expansion, but really, I had no clue what so ever. This entrepreneurial journey has been the most soul baring journey of my life. (And I am a mom. That 'job' of mom is most definitely the most selfless journey I am on and continues to take me to depths of what I can feel for another person.)

But this is about my entrepreneurial journey and my work with Kendra in her Wealthy Goddess program. When I came aware of Kendra, I knew I had to take a bigger risk and invest in myself in a much deeper was. Private coaching with this woman who was doing it differently was my breakthrough to the next level of success.
This is what I knew I needed to get unstuck and to work at the level that I desired in order to be able to be the transformational coach I knew I was.

So let me say that Kendra was the 'quiet storm' in my upleveling and stepping into who I came here to be. She challenged me to go deeper in a way that was absolutely necessary for my transformation and to understanding wealth consciousness ... and receiving it to live an awake, fulfilled and on purpose life.

Because I refused to give up when nothing seems to be working and yet it was working behind the scene with unseen forces bringing it all to me. My only job was to finally go for it and ask for it... which I did and in under 4 weeks I received $85k and my business went over the $6-figure mark. To say if working with Kendra was the best decisions I have ever made is a ... YES YES!

I now work with women from all over the world and it is simply because of the woman I have become. I will be forever grateful for what Kendra has modeled for me in what is truly possible!"

Pepper Wolfe

"Income Grew 7 Times In 30 Days!"

"My VIP day with Kendra in Kauai was exceptional and exceeded my expectations in every way!

I knew without a doubt that from there I needed to coach with Kendra.

Within the first 30 days of our time together, I attracted my first high end client, growing my income 7 times what it was. And it was easy!
I can't say enough about how grateful I am.

In 20 years of psychotherapy I did not have the breakthrough's as I have with Kendra. In just 4 coaching sessions, I've cracked things open.

Rooted in the Divine Feminine, she listens in such a clear way, asking insightful questions that have had a profound effect on my life and business.

She's catalyzed my actions and results.This is the best money I've ever spent."

Don't miss it at this affordable price.

Why am I charging so little?

I can confidently say this course is worth much more.

Besides, what kind of price tag do you put on peace of mind?

What I'm about to share with you has taken me 20 years of active and applied healing modalities, a very expensive master's degree, my own "dark night of the soul" and much more.

Some people say when you charge too little, people don't think you value your services (just to be clear... not so with this!)

Here's the deal....

I'm fed up with "business as usual"!

I'm eager to make a real, lasting change for you and others who want to make some big ripples on our awakening planet. And for you to be equipped to do so, you must heal your money issues.

Listen, you can keep trying to acquire more money through the old consciousness, but I can guarantee you, no matter what amount of money you manifest, it will be fleeting and on some level you will always feel a sense of lack.

I'm offering an end to that cycle!

Let's apply "The Medicine of Money" to your life and business and watch the miracles unfold!
To your extraordinary success,

Kendra E Thornbury, MA

ps. I'm ready to reveal this revolutionary new approach to money because I know it's time to get real so you can put down your money pain and pick up your money pleasure.


Put your money stressto an end once and for alland get on with the purpose andprosperity you are here for!

(Without compromising your soul or being someone you're not!)

• Are you ready to step into the next level but every time you try, you aresabotaged by money issues?
• Do you want to make a big difference but you're playing small because ofyour money struggles?
• Are you ready to actually manifest the money you deserve?
Do you make great money (6 or 7 figures like some of my clients) but STILL don't feel totally free?
• Do you keep wrestling between your spiritual ideals & material desires?(so you make little money to be "spiritual' or make a lot of money but feel trapped)
• Would you like to heal your money wounds so you stop wasting time & money trying to find the "magic pill"? (which never works and you just find the old stuff rearing its head again)

Hello!I'm Kendra and I'm going to get real honest, real fast.(I don't want to waste your time.)

If you are distracted, stressed, overwhelmed, or pre-occupied by money, you are a slave to it.
I know, it's a big claim.

But here's the deal. Everywhere I turn I see talented, skilled, conscious entrepreneurs and leaders like yourself stressing and suffering over money. You're either just getting by, making a lot of money but feeling trapped, or frustrated because you can't seem to break the money ceiling.

I'm sick of it.

I want more for you. And there IS more for you. A lot more!The problem is that most people (yes, including you) are going about their money pain the WRONG WAY.

You think that if you just get more money, everything will be fine. It's not true.

Listen, you and I both know that you've been taught self-defeating money habits (if you hadn't, you wouldn't be here, right?). Don't worry, you're not the only one. In fact, I'd say we've got a big fat crisis on our hands.

The thing is, no one has ever taught you how to end — once and for all — the self-sabotaging money habits that keep you from growing your business and creating the kind of security and freedom you want.

Just a few short years ago, money was a constant struggle for me (I can recall the restless long nights).

I couldn't even pay my bills month to month without feeling terrified about where my next dollar would come from. Now, I am 6-figure highly sought after coach with multiple streams of income living my dream life style. (WAHOOO!)
And now I want to share what I know with you. These are the strategies that I used to take a quantum leap from worrying about where the money would come from to pay the rent, to experiencing the joy and freedom of an endless stream of grace and good fortune flowing in

Read ALL THE WAY To The BottomFor Exciting Details

In order to make the money you deserve doing what you love, you need to get to the source of what your money woes are about. You can't just cover them up with some scheme or quick fix magic pill. You can't just keep investing in systems to build your business without having the inner system mastered.

This course will get beneath the surface and illuminate limited beliefs & patterns in a way that is surprisingly easy. You will transform your relationship with money, and move forward with a new understanding of the power you have with it so you can become a magnet to money.

This journey is a radical new approach.
You know this course is for you if you are ready to delve into the heart of the matter. You want rapid results that come from devotion to depth. You want immediate relief from doing what just plain works. (It's not as complicated as you think)

The word medicine is derived from the Latin ars medicinal, meaning the art of healing. To heal is to "restore to health or soundness, to "set right or repair".

The Medicine of Money will offer you the art of healing, in service to relieving your money pain and putting you in full alignment with the wealth that is your birthright.
You can learn more systems to build your business, get more worksheets to create budgets, purchase the latest software for money tracking.... all of which are sound strategies for up-leveling your money health.
BUT, if you don't get to the CAUSE of creation, you will just keep spinning your wheels.

Once you learn these brand new money secrets, you will feel a big dose of medicine -- a sweet salve that finally puts an end to your money pain. What I provide you with you can use the rest of your life.

"Since mentoring with her my life has changed 100%"

"If you have the inspiration, desire & intention to be a bad ass conscious business owner, Kendra will coach you in a way that will make you an empowered star.

Since mentoring with her my life has changed 100%. I found my tribe.

Kendra called me out quick on my scarcity thinking and the importance of energy, momentum and worthiness. In a short time I have moved crossed country, started my first launch and created a life that I could only dream of

Tracy Carter

Goddess Glow

"Kendra truly walks the walk. The way she embodies ease, confidence, wealth and abundance is how I also want to live my life and run my business.

Through her guidance, I experienced how it feels to create content that is authentic and powerful in an easy, flowing way, rather than it being forced and hard.

She holds nothing back in sharing her wisdom and business knowledge, and she genuinely cares about our success and growth."

Mayan Tran

Here's a Sampling of What I'll Cover in DETAIL during this groundbreaking course....

    SEMINAR #1

The SurprisingHealing  Power Of Money

  • Why money can be the greatest healing force in your life (even though it may feel like the source of all your problems)

  • What your money struggles are trying to tell you (that if you "get" will actually help you make more of it!)

  • How your money struggles are a gift to your greatness

  • The one technique I use every day that has been vital to shifting from scarcity & lack into abundance & fortune (it's easy to use- you can do it, too!)

  • The sure-fire approach to transcending your money pain


The ShadowOf Money

  • How the "dark side" of money is actually your ally (that means it's your friend & will help you!)

  • The secret key to unlocking your riches once and for all

  • How to END the fight with your secret shame around money (which blocks you from from letting money in)

  • How to authentically stand in your power and liberate your relationship with money so that you use it for the purpose it is intended

  • A simple process to illuminate HIDDEN money shadows (that once you understand will no longer sabotage your success)

  • How to get control of your biggest money leaks


Your Money-SoulLesson: The Hidden Purpose In Your Pain

  • The ONE thing that can immediately alleviate your money pain

  • What you need to believe about yourself so you stop accepting "getting by" and start charging the value that you and your offerings are worth

  • What you can lean into again and again so you banish your worries that you will never have enough money or resources make more with less work (you may be unconsciously sabotaging yourself)

  • How to END the scarcity syndrome & claim the abundance that is your true Divine birthright

  • How your money pain can actually align you with your purpose (and greater alignment with purpose=greater prosperity)

  • How to consistently create more meaning and fulfillment with money so that it feeds you at the soul level (that means more joy & contentment


The Wealthy Money Mindset

  • The attitude you must have (no question about it) to achieve your dreams of success and happiness

  • How to start "feeling rich" immediately — regardless of how much money you have

  • The Mindset MUSTS you need to adopt in order to become more money attractive & wealth magnetic

  • Fail-proof strategies that take you from working hard to hardly working (when you get these, ease & flow are the dominant reality)

  • Easy spiritual money practices that make your relationship with money feel easy and abundant

  • The latest techniques in brain science that can help you accelerate your income faster

"Kendra is a inspiration, a pioneer and a powerful coach that can help you to transform your life and your business to a new high level."

"I feel very grateful very blessed to have the opportunity to work with Kendra. My money mindset has been totally transformed. I feel that life has opened a new door for me.

I left the corporate job behind and started to build my own Magical Life coaching business. I stepped out of many comfort zones and was able to see other beautiful possibilities before me.Kendra helped me to get clarity on my passion and my vision. She also helped me to see my fear my shadow, to gain more confidence to moving forward with my dream.

The support, guidance and insights Kendra provided are incredibly exceptional, powerful and resonated for my own personal growth. I never felt so confident, at ease and be comfortable in my life.
Kendra is a inspiration, a pioneer and a powerful coach that can help you to transform your life and your business to a new high level. "

Selena Li

Empower Your Magical Life

"She dedicates her focus, her soul and her profoundly sensitive heart to your expanding awareness."

But beware… Kendra does not mince her words or tolerate self-deception. She will call out your hiding, your self-attack andself-criticism.

She will take a stand for loving yourself as fiercely as she loves you.

Kendra walks the walk and will walk with you to help you crossthe bridge to your dreams…

especially the dreams that stretch you and seem a bit out of reach.

Most of all, Kendra speaks and moves with such care and wisdom.Her depth of knowledge and intuitive insight never cease to amaze me.

I highly recommended attending this event. It is worth returning to year

after year as I have and many of her clients continue to do.”

Baeth Davis

PLUS...These Additional BONUSES:


Call recordings are conveniently provided to you so you can download to your favorite listening device and add to your success library to enjoy for years to come.


This course is not about a new theory or the latest fad to study. It's about healing and transformation. That means that you and your money WILL BE DIFFERENT as a result of our journey together. To guarantee such radical results, you need to take action and implement. I am here to make the process easy for you, and will provide you with exercises to guide you through step-by-step. Not only that, you will receive simple guided meditations to help you elevate your money & wealth consciousness.


You will get your own private sign in to a Membership Site where the content will be housed. You can access the material - including Seminars, PDF's and Guided Meditations - at your own convenience in a user-friendly format.

During this powerful journey, you'll have many "a-ha" moments that will demystify why you've been stuck and struggling. You will get information on how you can specifically move forward manifesting more money, in an authentic and sustainable way.
And by the end of this course, you'll know exactly what simple steps you need to take to transform your relationship with money...You'll have actively removed *the* major stumbling block to your success!

"When I signed up to work with Kendra, I wanted to break through the 6-figure ceiling that had been so elusive to me my whole life. By the end of 2016, my gross income was close to $200K!"

"If you have been on the fence about working with Kendra -- she's a powerhouse and the processes and practices she teaches WORK. I have been to WGL live twice, done a year of 1:1 coaching and also done the Medicine of Money program she's offering and I KNOW that all of it has contributed to the success, ease and freedom I'm experiencing right now."

Deborah Fryer

"Wow. All I can say is wow! Coaching with Kendra has been the best and most powerful work I have ever done. (And I've worked with lots of coaches!)"

"I first joined the Wealthy Goddess Platinum coaching program after witnessing Kendra work miracles during the three day retreat. I knew that my next step was to say yes to signing up to have Kendra as my mentor. But truthfully, it was a lot of money to pay each month! In our 'enrolling conversation' Kendra found some of my mindset blocks and gave me a strategy for how to bring in the clients to pay for coaching with her.

Here's the crazy part... with just one email, I brought in $23,000 of business from the idea and encouragement that Kendra gave me. Three days after I said yes to working with Kendra, I got the biggest speaking 'gig' of my career. It seemed that the Universe knew that I was now REALLY SERIOUS about playing a bigger game and so was responding to my taking action.

That was just the beginning. Kendra supported me through more launches, more marketing strategies, and all the strategic and tactical pieces necessary to run a six figure business (without struggling in the ways I used to).

But the best part in my opinion is who I have become while working with this amazingly powerful woman. I have shifted my business from one that is making good money... but running me, to one that is designed to allow me to have the lifestyle freedom and time to enjoy the things I value. I have tapped more deeply into the powerful woman and healer that I am, and the work I have done with clients has ramped up as well. As Kendra has worked with me to more fully own my value I, in turn, can take a bigger stand for my clients and I see their results improving too.

The first time around to sign up for the program was a challenge to say yes to because of the money. I had never paid a coach that much. I'm signing up for another six months and this time around it's a no-brainer! I'd pay whatever Kendra charges because the value I have received has been business and life altering and I'm forever grateful."

Therese Skelly
Money Mindset Mentor & Business Coach

"Working with Kendra has completely elevated my business to a whole new level."

"The biggest difference for me has been the mindset shift I have been able to make which I have found to be the foundation to a truly successful 6 figure business!Kendra is masterful at seeing what is holding me back and highlighting my strengths so that I can be the coach and leader I am meant to be.
With the guidance of Kendra, I have consistently attracted new clients into my business. I also started my first online homestudy course called "Sweet Success: 4 Week Sugar Boot Camp", attracting women from all over the world!I have taken on new challenges that I never thought I would be ready for but thanks to Kendra's guidance and support, I have exceeded my professional goals quicker than I had planned for!"

Elisa Haggarty

What If I Don't CARE About Money?

There is NOTHING in your life that is not touched by money. Relationships, career, health.... dreams, lifestyle, peace of mind.
Frankly, if you DON'T care about money, you don't care about your own success and happiness.

If this is true, don't bother reading on. I ONLY work with those who boldly take a stand for themselves, who are willing to do what it takes to raise their standards of joy and wealth. (I'm thinking that's you, right?!)
Now, if what you mean is that you don't care about money because it's not your sole (or soul) focus, I understand.

I realized a few short years back that part of why I struggled with money is because I didn't think it had anything to do with my higher purpose. Candidly, it felt "below me" (just getting real with you). I simply wanted to pursue my spiritual quest and not be bothered with the mundane task of making money.

It didn't work.

So, yeah, you may not be motivated by money. I'm not.But if you are here, I do know you are motivated by a bigger purpose. Let that be your motive. And let money be a teacher than can guide you to it more fully.

I'm excited to be able to bring you this important course because it's empowering on so many levels. If you are ready to authentically step into your power, then this extraordinary course is for you.

"$84,000 From One Course Launch, Built Dream Team, Sharing My Purpose Fully!"

"I've worked with Kendra in her Feeling Good Immersion and Profitable Purpose programs and for the last 6 months have been one of her private VIP coaching clients. Through our partnership and as a result of Kendra's exquisite expertise in providing energetic support and practical strategies, I've created phenomenal results.
"My business is thriving with multiple 6 figures, I've built my dream team,I've successful launched 3 programs, the first time bringing in $17,000 and the 2nd over $54,000 and the 3rd $84,000."

"I have overcome deep seated fears of feeling like I am doing something wrong when I share my gifts and am completely out of the woo woo closet, proudly sharing my purpose and authentically shining my light brightly. I am positioned as a more visible and powerful leader in my industry and now ideal clients and opportunities come to me easily and abundantly. I am having the impact I am here to have and have superstar clients that I love to work with from all over the world. My Egypt tours and programs sell out and have waiting lists."

"My business income has tripled since this time last year, and I'm on track for generating my ideal money goals. I'm more at peace than I've ever been living my freedom based lifestyle (just spent a month in France!), and am living in the stream of well being. I am in alignment with my profound gifts and talents and am sharing my purpose fully.

Danielle Rama Hoffman

"'Purpose & Business Has Taken Off. Two 5-Figure Launches"

"Kendra has been instrumental in the upleveling of my as integral part of my success team. As my trusted and cherished advisor, she is an integral part of my success team.With her support, my purpose business has taken off to new heights with media appearances and two 5 figure launches.Kendra is a healer's healer, and a teacher's teacher: passionate, insightful and spiritually intelligent. She has a revolutionary approach to wealth that has changed the lives of many women entrepreneurs, including my own."

Robyn McKay, PhD

 "YES, I'm ready to commit to healing my money pain + being more FREE withThe Medicine of Money led by Kendra!"

When I enroll in this special one-of-a-kind course, I will receive:

 4 Seminar Recordings so  that I can listen to them at my convenience and keep in my success library for years to 


 Exercises & Guided Meditations to move beyond theory & into real results

 ACCESS to Membership Site where all the awesome content is housed!



"My Business Went Over The 6-Figure Mark"

"While it has been a deep desire to live an awake, fulfilled, on purpose life, I really had no clue to what that really meant. On the surface, it might have appeared I understood that level of expansion, but really, I had no clue what so ever. This entrepreneurial journey has been the most soul baring journey of my life. (And I am a mom. That 'job' of mom is most definitely the most selfless journey I am on and continues to take me to depths of what I can feel for another person.)

But this is about my entrepreneurial journey and my work with Kendra in her Wealthy Goddess program. When I came aware of Kendra, I knew I had to take a bigger risk and invest in myself in a much deeper was. Private coaching with this woman who was doing it differently was my breakthrough to the next level of success.

This is what I knew I needed to get unstuck and to work at the level that I desired in order to be able to be the transformational coach I knew I was.
So let me say that Kendra was the 'quiet storm' in my upleveling and stepping into who I came here to be. She challenged me to go deeper in a way that was absolutely necessary for my transformation and to understanding wealth consciousness ... and receiving it to live an awake, fulfilled and on purpose life.

Because I refused to give up when nothing seems to be working and yet it was working behind the scene with unseen forces bringing it all to me. My only job was to finally go for it and ask for it... which I did and in under 4 weeks I received $85k and my business went over the $6-figure mark. To say if working with Kendra was the best decisions I have ever made is a ... YES YES!

I now work with women from all over the world and it is simply because of the woman I have become. I will be forever grateful for what Kendra has modeled for me in what is truly possible!"

Dorris Burch

"Income Grew 7 Times In 30 Days!"

"My VIP day with Kendra in Kauai was exceptional and exceeded my expectations in every way!
I knew without a doubt that from there I needed to coach with Kendra.

Within the first 30 days of our time together, I attracted my first high end client, growing my income 7 times what it was. And it was easy!
I can't say enough about how grateful I am.
In 20 years of psychotherapy I did not have the breakthrough's as I have with Kendra. In just 4 coaching sessions, I've cracked things open.
Rooted in the Divine Feminine, she listens in such a clear way, asking insightful questions that have had a profound effect on my life and business.
She's catalyzed my actions and results.This is the best money I've ever spent."

Pepper Wolfe

Don't miss it at this affordable price.

Why am I charging so little?

I can confidently say this course is worth much more.

Besides, what kind of price tag do you put on peace of mind?

What I'm about to share with you has taken me 20 years of active and applied healing modalities, a very expensive master's degree, my own "dark night of the soul" and much more.

Some people say when you charge too little, people don't think you value your services (just to be clear... not so with this!)

Here's the deal....

I'm fed up with "business as usual"!

I'm eager to make a real, lasting change for you and others who want to make some big ripples on our awakening planet. And for you to be equipped to do so, you must heal your money issues.
Listen, you can keep trying to acquire more money through the old consciousness, but I can guarantee you, no matter what amount of money you manifest, it will be fleeting and on some level you will always feel a sense of lack.
I'm offering an end to that cycle!

Let's apply "The Medicine of Money" to your life and business and watch the miracles unfold!

To your extraordinary success,

Kendra E Thornbury, MA

ps. I'm ready to reveal this revolutionary new approach to money because I know it's time to get real so you can put down your money pain and pick up your money pleasure.